Service data messages are not the same as Web Services Description Language ( WSDL) messages. 服务数据信息与Web服务描述语言(WSDL)并不相同。
The last part of the data model is the creation of the Web Services Description Language ( WSDL) file that describes it to the property broker. 这个数据模型的最后部分是创建向属性代理描述它的WebServicesDescriptionLanguage(WSDL)文件。
Research and Design on data flow Graph description language 数据流图描述语言的研究与设计
Considering the hierarchy and structure property of component description data and the characteristic of XML language, we make certain XML as description language of our classification scheme, and provide XML schemas as component facet tree XML schema, term space XML schema and thesaurus XML schema. 文章针对本方案的构件描述数据具有的层次性和结构性,结合XML语言的特点,确定以XML作为方案的描述语言,并且给出构件刻面树的XMLSCHEMA和术语空间、辞典的XMLSCHEMA。
Basing on lots of experiment data and combining the description of time interval in a turn with literary language, it summarizes the law of time interval in Chinese conversation and the factors that influence time interval. 文章建立在大量实验数据的基础上,结合书面语对话轮间时间间隔的描写,总结了汉语会话中时间间隔的规律以及影响时间间隔的因素。
In our model, report data definition language ( RDDL) and report format description language ( RFDL) are used with interpreters to interpreter them. 在该模型中,引入了报表数据定义语言和报表格式描述语言,用相应的解释器解释它们。
The paper describes the principle of El Inverter Multiplexer Transfer chip and Virtual Concatenation technology, with focuses on the design of data synchronization circuit of El Inverter Multiplexer Transfer FPGA chip by verilog Hardware Description Language. 简单介绍了多E1反向复用芯片的工作原理及虚级联技术,并重点介绍了用verilong语言完成的4路E1反向复用FPGA芯片中数据同步电路的设计。
In the data acquisition and processing circuit, the multi-channel counters with data cache modules, which is designed by the Verilog Hardware Description Language. 在数据采集处理电路中,使用Verilog硬件描述语言设计了多路计数器,该计数器具有数据缓存单元,允许在计数的同时读取数据。
Based on the trade-off of the data decompression difficulty, a method of test data compression using the Golomb algorithm is provided for the portable test equipment. Then the corresponding decompression circuit is designed with the VHDL ( very high speed integrated circuit hardware description language). 基于解压缩实现难易程度的折衷考虑,提出了基于Golomb算法的便携式检测设备的测试向量压缩方法,采用VHDL方法设计了相应的硬件解压缩电路,并且将其应用于便携式飞参检测设备。
Dictionary-making involves three basic operations: field-work ( gathering or recording of raw data), editing ( description) of language, and publication of dictionary. 词典编撰包括数据收集或实地调查、编写词目、辞书出版等三个基本组成部分。
Analyses the data types of EXPRESS description language, constructs different mapping methods to C++ language for different data types, by which can implement STEP and STEP-NC. 文中通过分析EXPRESS的各种数据类型,把每种数据类型用适当的方法映射到面向对象程序设计语言C++中。为实现STEP和STEP-NC标准提供了条件。
In this scheme, the evaluation standards are translated and integrated into a standard database by data description language before being translated into testing tasks by universal transforming platform. Then, the distributed testing management platform superintends the testing executive platform to do the testing. 这一方案用强描述性规范化语言把权威的标准条款定义为测评标准库,再通过高层描述语言的通用转换平台转化为测试任务,然后由分布式的测评管理平台调度测评执行平台进行测评。
The article main research is uses ( half) structure data description language XML to describe user's service demand ( Including between service flow and each service corresponding relations which needs). 本文主要研究的是利用(半)结构化数据描述语言XML来描述用户的业务需求(包括所需的业务流程和各个业务之间的对应关系)。
The model-based specification language was used in test specification, and formal description testing data and other testing information for TTF parts was defined with description language Z. 测试规范使用基于模型的规范语言,由描述语言Z定义TTF基本部件的形式描述测试数据和其它测试信息。
Every level module of the data path and controller of HDLC IP core was designed and every unit's design of HDLC IP core was programmed with the Hardware Description Language ( Verilog HDL). 本文还完成了HDLCIP核数据通路和控制通路各个层次模块的设计规划,使用硬件描述语言Veriloghdl实现了IP各模块的设计;
Scalable Vector Graphics ( SVG) is used in the system in order to store graphics data efficiently. According to the characteristics of SVG, graphics data description model and graphics database based on extensible markup language ( XML) can be built. 系统采用可扩展矢量图形(SVG)技术存储图形数据,并依据SVG的特点建立数据描述模型和设计基于可扩展标记语言(XML)的图形数据库。
For the schema management, we present three functions and implementations of DDL which is a data description language; For the object management, its architecture is presented. 在模式管理中,介绍了模式描述语言DDL的三大功能及实现,在对象操纵管理中,给出了对象管理的体系结构。
It describes two processes of basic transmission, such as service request and service response and three steps of information transition, that is, from requirement information to data description language, from requirement description to service description and from data description language to map data supply. 认为它们必须经过服务请求和服务响应两个过程,以及需求信息到数据描述语言的转换、需求描述到服务描述的转换、数据描述语言到地图数据提供的转换等3种信息转换。
This paper presents an analog circuit data array description method and circuit-constructing rules that coordinately work with description language. 该文提出模拟电路的数据阵列描述方法及其与描述方法协同工作的电路生成规则。其中,数据阵列表述融入了成功的设计经验,并且能够有效地解决多端器件的电路连接问题;
In order to satisfy the requirement of high efficiency description for power system model and data exchange, the model description language E is developed, It adopts object-oriented technology, is compatible with relation-oriented technology, and inherits the advantages from XML. 为满足电力系统数据模型的高效描述和大量在线数据的高效交换,研发了数据模型描述语言E,它采用面向对象技术,兼容面向关系技术,吸收了XML的优点;
The thesis carefully researches on repertoire of microprocessor, designs the data path, and completes the design and realization of ALU unit, instruction fetch and so on by Hardware Description Language; 论文深入研究了微处理器的指令系统,设计了微处理器数据通路,采用硬件描述语言完成了ALU单元、取指单元等电路模块的设计与实现;
Data description language for engineering data base 工程数据库的数据描述语言
And then try to use XML data description language, which is unrelated with the hardware and software platform, as data management data files of Soft-PLC. 然后讨论了使用与软硬件平台无关的数据描述语言XML作为描述软PLC的数据文件的方法。
As to the machining data model, the traditional G& M code that is a low level machining description language loses a lot of up level design information, and thus restricts the development of machine tools. 对于加工数据模型,传统的G&M代码作为一种底层加工描述语言,丢失了许多上层设计信息,从而制约了数控机床的发展。
Implementation in the data processing module with VHDL ( CPLD) hardware description language and C language ( Single Chip Micyoco). 软件算法方面主要在数据处理模块内实现,由硬件描述语言VHDL(CPLD)和C语言(单片机)内实现。